Please note, that you have to pay the rates after consultation.
The public German health insurances PAY the costs ONLY, if you have an additional insurance which includes natural therapist.
The private health insurances normally pay the costs.
If necessary I also accept payment by installments.
Homeopathic questionaire (first consultation)
Private Insurance (PI)
Adults: 180,00 €
Children: 130,00€
Adults: 150,00€
Children 120,00€
Second consultation:
PI adults: 35,00€/30 min
PI children: 25,00€/30 min
Self-payer: 30,00€/30 min (E)+ (K)
PI adults: 35,00€/30 min
Self-payer: 30,00€/30 min
PI Adults/Children: 30,00€
Self-payer: 25,00€